Monday, October 12, 2009

Friends, Snow and The Pumkin Patch

Well I ventured out for my first "girls night" since Talan was born. Paul is great with him and I had no worries to leave my two boys together, but Talan was not so happy with the arrangement. We learned that he does not like to go to bed for the night with a bottle feeding. He gave his dad a run for his money! Woke up crying ever 10-20 minutes after Paul put him to bed and was just not a happy boy. He needs his mommy for a good night sleep. I am glad I had a great time cause I probably will not be doing it again for a while.

Snow to start October. We got about 4 inches.
Here is a picture of Talan checking out the snow for the first time.

This past weekend we met Kevin, Gina and Lucas at the pumkin patch. Talan and Lucas had their first hay ride. Not sure that they cared too much, but we had a great time.

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